Thanksgiving 2018-2023

It's a wonderful partnership between Benefits for Humanity and United We All Can to organize Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners for the homeless on South Beach from 2018 to 2023. The evolution of the project from serving on the grass to having tables demonstrates the growth and impact of our grassroots efforts.

Our initiative provides not just a meal but also a sense of love, care, and community for those who are broken-hearted, hungry, and depleted. The addition of Pastor Frank's sermon and blessings adds a spiritual dimension to the support we offer, creating a holistic and meaningful experience for the individuals we serve.

Our collaboration truly seems like a partnership made in heaven, combining efforts to make a positive difference in the lives of those who need it most. Thank you, to our volunteers for your ongoing dedication to helping the homeless community and spreading warmth and compassion during the holiday season.

Cooked food for homeless
4 trays mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes
10 apple pies from Costco
20 cans of yams
More more more thanksgiving ingredients
Thanksgiving gravy in the making closer
partial Thanksgiving delivery od cooked food 2021
plates, silverware, cups and napkins from the Dollar Store
Thanksgiving 2023 turkeys
Thanksgiving 2023 ingredients